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Homemade Ossetian Pirogi From Mama Lydia 40 cm


"Homemade Ossetian Pirogi From Mama Lydia" are made from an old family recipe.
On Ossetian family holiday gatherings, pirogi have traditionally been made in very large quantities – in order not to “run out” during the main holiday meal - so to speak. The next day, “leftovers” were heated/fried on a skillet with butter. Some gourmet specialists of Ossetian pirogi prefer the slightly-fried delicious taste of skillet pirogi more than those prepared solely in an oven.
Skillet golden-brown with a slight taste of butter – these are "Homemade Ossetian Pirogi From Mama Lydia".
To successfully flip over a 40cm Ossetian pirog in order to prepare both sides equally requires a certain level of expertise and skill on behalf of the preparer/chef.
And now, in order to appreciate the taste of skillet-fried & fragrant Ossetian pirogi prepared according to an old family recipe, all you need to do is just order and enjoy!
Only from Jack’s and only for you!

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