(495) 956-61-96 933-99-44 Mon-Fri 8:00-21:00, Sat 09:00-21:00, Sun 10:00-21:00
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Jack's Fruit Medley 760 g


A sophisticated dessert for the true Sweet-caholic! Juicy orange wedgies AND ripe bananas AND fragrant strawberries ALL covered  in a delightful chocolate & cream glaze. It's impossible to resist so don't even try!          
(22-24 pcs.)

Цена за:
2 990 rub.
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The company «Jacks» is glad to offer it's services such as quick delivery of ready dinners, buffet dinners and breakfasts. You can order delivery of hot meals at home or at work. We are happy to fulfill all your wishes!
Food delivery is realized to home or work:
7:00 - 22:00 on weekdays
10:00 - 22:00 at weekends
Delivery in Moscow is free!
Self-pickup - 5% discount!
Cash payment
Payment in cash upon receipt of the order.
Online order payment through the electronic payment system ASSIST the following means of payment:
- credit cards (VISA, MasterCard)
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